Local Resources
Tech Workspaces and Coworking in the Boston Area
Workspaces and Coworking that are Popular for Software, Tech and Startup Companies
- Cambridge Coworking cambridgecoworking.com
- CIC Boston cic.com/boston
- Fields Corner Business Lab fieldscornerbusinesslab.com
- Geek Offices geekoffices.com
- Go West gowest.work
- Idea…
Tech Organizations in the Boston Area
Tech Associations, Tech Groups and Economic Development Organizations
- Boston Innovators Group bostoninnovatorsgroup.com
We are entrepreneurs, executives, designers, developers, marketers, sales leaders, and product managers all inspired by tech innovation here in Boston.
David Beisel Founder…
Tech News in the Boston Area
News about the Software Community
- BostInno Tech News americaninno.com/boston
Since 2008, we’ve been covering and connecting the Boston ecosystem, producing digital media and events about the entrepreneurs, executives, startups, businesses, trends and topics that are the shaping the present…
Tech Founder and CEO Peer Groups in the Boston Area
Support and Mentorship for Company Leaders
- CEO Roundtable ceo-roundtable.com
- The CEO Club of Greater Boston ceoclubs.org/section/chapters/boston
- The Greenwood Consulting CEO Peer Group greenwoodconsulting.com/ceo-peer-groups
- The Raffoni Group CEO Peer…
Tech Events in the Boston Area
Meetup.com meetup.com/cities/us/ma/boston/tech…
Incubators and Accelerators in the Boston Area
Startup and Innovation Resources that Help Founders Launch Software Companies
- COGO Labs cogolabs.com/about
Our approach to starting companies is different. We analyze petabytes of data and identify the market opportunities hidden within the 1s and 0s. Informed by these insights, our teams…
Angel Investor Groups and Seed Funds in the Boston Area
Startup and Early-Stage Investor Organizations
- Beacon Angels beaconangels.com
Beacon Angels is a Boston-based angel group that makes investments in the $50,000 to $400,000 range in early-stage, fast-growing companies. Since our 2006 founding, Beacon has helped to grow many successful New…
Welcome to the Gregslist of Boston Software and SaaS Companies
Welcome to the new Gregslist of Boston software and SaaS companies. It's an accurate and curated list of software companies in the greater Boston area in Massachusetts. Now Greglist Bost is available as a free…