Gregslist is the comprehensive list of software companies and SaaS jobs in Texas
Texas software tech is growing fast with over 2,000 software companies located in our state employing over 200,000 Texans.
Gregslist Austin, Gregslist Dallas-Fort Worth, and Gregslist Houston are the comprehensive lists of real, active software companies and open tech jobs in the three largest Texas metro areas.
Gregslist of Texas Software Companies and SaaS Jobs
There’s a lot more going on in software and SaaS in Texas than anyone can see. Check out Gregslist of software companies in our three largest metros in Texas to find startups, funded companies, founder details, job postings, and more.
Interactive Maps of Texas Software Companies
Check out the interactive maps of all 1750 software companies in Austin, Dallas, and Houston. Find companies in your neighborhood and explore their company stats.
Dallas Software Podcast hosted by Greg Head
Host Greg Head interviews savvy Dallas software and SaaS leaders every week. Hear the inside story from funded CEOs, startup founders, industry experts, active investors, and local tech leaders right here in Dallas.
Subscribe to the Dallas Software Podcast on your favorite podcast app.
Supported by Gregslist Partners in Texas
Become a Gregslist Partner in Texas to help us grow Texas software and SaaS and get visibility for your company in our software communities.
Gregslist is the curated up-to-date list of local software companies and SaaS jobs in 11 major cities. It is used by thousands of founders, tech execs, investors, job seekers, and community leaders every month. Each company or job added to our lists is carefully curated by me and my team.
Greg Head, founder of Gregslist