Gregslist Chicago is the up-to-date and curated list of software and SaaS companies located in the Chicago area in Illinois.
I’m Greg Head. My curated list of software companies in Arizona started as a personal volunteer project over three years ago when I lived in Chicago after a successful 30-year career in the software business. Gregslist became very popular there and was used by founders, tech execs, job seekers, investors, service providers and tech community leaders in Chicago.
I grew up in the Chicago area in Arlington Heights and visit often. I love Chicago!
Gregslist Chicago already has over 250 active, real Chicago-area software companies listed. There’s clearly something going on here in software and SaaS, even though the Chicago software community is not as visible as other tech hotspots. The Gregslist team is adding 20-30 real software companies to the list every month, so this Gregslist Chicago will have over 400 companies soon.
I’m bringing Gregslist to the Chicago area to help everyone here who is creating, innovating, and helping the growing software companies here.
Gregslist is now available in Salt Lake City, Chicago, and Dallas-Fort Worth. We are adding hundreds of companies every month. New Gregslist regions will be added in 2020, including Atlanta, Boston, San Diego, Denver, Austin and more.
Gregslist shines on a light on ALL software companies to connect talent, funding, connections, support, and attention to these crazy founders who are creating the next generation of successful software companies. There’s a lot going on in the software industry outside of Silicon Valley and outside the big, funded companies that we already hear about.
Here’s what you can do with Gregslist on
- Search for any information to find software companies. Search by company name, a contact name or anything else to find companies faster.
- Custom filters allow you to see just the companies you want: by city, category, industry, size, age and more. Create your own custom lists using the new filters.
- Every list can be sorted by company age, size, or the date the company was added to the list.
- We curate and classify every company by category, industry, and type so you can find a list for just the companies you care about.
- Gregslist Chicago has over 75 specialized list pages to each city, size, age, funding type, category, industry and more
- Each region has lists of community resources of tech events, tech organizations, angel groups, incubators, tech workspaces, and more.
- See all the local software company offices on an interactive map in every region.
- Monthly update emails and blog posts for each region to find out what has changed on Gregslist that month, learn about new lists, and get insights about what’s happening in your local tech community.
- New Community Partners in each region whose support makes it possible for the Gregslist team to curate new companies and keep every list up-to-date.
Check it out and let us know what you think. We think you’ll find it very useful,
Please let us know if there are any Chicago software companies we should add to Gregslist.